Viasat Satellite Internet
Now with Unlimited Plans! Call today for details.
Satellite Internet Facts
Now with Unlimited Plans!
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Viasat Bandwidth Usage Policy with MLEC
Viasat Network Management Policy
24-mo. lease agreement required. $7.95/mo. lease fee. Requires a clear view of the Southern sky. Not available in all areas. On unlimited plans, data usage may be prioritized during network congestion. Non-standard installation charges, taxes and minimum term commitments also apply. Prices subject to change. Mille Lacs Energy is an authorized Exede provider.
MLEC does not recommend satellite Internet service for live TV and/or 4K TVs.
Other Costs
Standard Installation - $50 one-time fee w/24 mo. lease contract
Equipment Lease Fee - $7.95/mo. plus tax
Networking Fee (Optional) - $75/hr.
Satisfactory credit or deposit required
Happy with your existing Viasat system through MLEC?
Refer a friend - if they install, we'll credit your account $50!
For Viasat, Exede and WildBlue Tech Support, please call 888-306-5501, 24 hrs. a day/7 days a week.
For other Viasat, Exede and WildBlue Policies, please go to or Existing customers should also refer to their MLEC agreements for details.
To test your satellite Internet speed, go to
Current Viasat, Exede, and WildBlue customers: Check your usage and account info by clicking here